Colder, Higher, Fatter, Slower, Happier


Ridiculous title of course, but I wanted to do a short update and the Daft Punk song title is a good template for this. So in short: I am back in Italy and winter hasn't left yet; from the moment I came back until now I have been walking up and down mountains; this is harder, because I gained some weight in Lisbon; which makes me slower; but it feels good to be back on the road again!

I just received a request from the ORF, Austrian national television to do an interview over skype and this morning I was interviewed for local television in Urbino. I will be in the papers here tomorrow as well. So I am walking, and I am talking. Back in business!

If you know anyone between Urbino, Rimini, Ravenna, Padova and Venezia who might want to meet and host me, let me know!

Wijnand Boon